Wednesday, November 27, 2019

louis leakey essays

louis leakey essays Discovering the Secrets of Humankind's Past Louis Leakey was born to be an archaeologist, for his childhood in Africa truly prepared him for the field life he would later lead. The son of missionaries Harry and Mary Leakey, Louis grew up in Kenya near Nairobi, among the Kikuyu African tribe who the elder Leakeys were trying to convert. Despite intervening periods in which the Leakeys moved back to England, Louis grew up practically as a Kikuyu tribe member, and at the age of eleven he not only built his own traditional hut in which to live but was also initiated as a member of the Kikuyu tribe. It was within this hut that the beginnings of Leakeys archaelogical aspirations took place. In one section he started a personal museum, collected all things naturalistic, from bird eggs to animal skulls. It was in 1916, at the age of fourteen, when Leakey first truly realized that he was meant for archaeology; after reading the account of stone-age men entitled "Days Before History" he was hooked. After reading about the arrowheads a nd axeheads created by these people, Louis began collecting and classifying as many pieces of obsidian flakes and tools as he could find. After confirmation by a prehistory expert that these were truly stone tools of ancient Africans, truly links to the past, Leakey knew that the rest of his life would be devoted towards discovering the secrets of the prehistoric ancestors of humankind. Despite not being accustomed to the school structure back in England and the accompanying problems he had in public school, Leakey was accepted into Cambridge in 1922. However, blows to the head sustained during rugby games resulted in epilepsy and headaches for Leakey, and he had to leave school in 1923. This, however, was a blessing in disguise, for Leakey landed a job as an African expert on an archaeological mission to Tendaguru in what is now Tanzania. He was to accompany the archaeologist and dinosaur bone expert Wi...

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Inspirational Quotes for Thanksgiving

Inspirational Quotes for Thanksgiving Imagine a nation where people did not bother to express gratitude. Imagine a society devoid of benevolence and humility. Unlike what some people believe, Thanksgiving is not a binge fest. Yes, the meal is a bit much. The dinner table is usually groaning with the weight of the food. With the abundance of delicious food, it is understandable why people give their weighing scales a holiday. The underlying philosophy behind Thanksgiving celebration is to offer thanks to God. You dont realize how fortunate you are to be blessed with abundant food, and a loving family. Many people are not that lucky. Thanksgiving gives you an opportunity to express gratitude. Millions of American families will join their hands in prayer to say grace. Thanksgiving is integral to American culture. On Thanksgiving, say a prayer of thanks to the Almighty, for the bountiful gifts bestowed upon you. Many years ago, the Pilgrims of Plymouth did so. They shared their food with the natives of the land, who had helped them in times of misery. The tradition of sharing the Thanksgiving meal continues even today. In honor of that tradition, share your gifts with friends and family. Spread the message of gratitude and kindness with inspirational quotes for Thanksgiving. Your heartfelt words can inspire your loved ones to make Thanksgiving a festival of generosity and love. Change people forever with these inspiring words. Henry Ward Beecher Gratitude is the fairest blossom which springs from the soul. Henry Jacobsen Praise God even when you dont understand what He is doing. Thomas Fuller Gratitude is the least of the virtues, but ingratitude is the worst of vices. Irving Berlin Got no checkbooks, got no banks. Still Id like to express my thanks I got the sun in the morning and the moon at night. Odell Shepard For what I give, not what I take,For battle, not for victory,My prayer of thanks I make. G. A. Johnston Ross If I have enjoyed the hospitality of the Host of this universe, Who daily spreads a table in my sight, surely I cannot do less than acknowledge my dependence. Anne Frank I do not think of all the misery, but of the glory that remains. Go outside into the fields, nature and the sun, go out and seek happiness in yourself and in God. Think of the beauty that again and again discharges itself within and without you and be happy. Theodore Roosevelt Let us remember that, as much has been given us, much will be expected from us, and that true homage comes from the heart as well as from the lips, and shows itself in deeds. William Shakespeare Small cheer and great welcome makes a merry feast. Alice W. Brotherton Heap high the board with plenteous cheer and gather to the feast, And toast the sturdy Pilgrim band whose courage never ceased. H. W. Westermayer The pilgrims made seven times more graves than huts... nevertheless, set aside a day of thanksgiving. William Jennings Bryan On Thanksgiving Day we acknowledge our dependence. Hebrews 13:15 By him therefore let us offer the sacrifice of praise to God continually, that is, the fruit of our lips giving thanks to his name. Edward Sandford Martin Thanksgiving Day comes, by statute, once a year; to the honest man it comes as frequently as the heart of gratitude will allow. Ralph Waldo Emerson For each new morning with its light,For rest and shelter of the night,For health and food, for love and friends,For everything Thy goodness sends. O. Henry There is one day that is ours. There is one day when all we Americans who are not self-made go back to the old home to eat saleratus biscuits and marvel how much nearer to the porch the old pump looks than it used to. Thanksgiving Day is the one day that is purely American. Cynthia Ozick We often take for granted the very things that most deserve our gratitude. Robert Casper Lintner Thanksgiving is nothing if not a glad and reverent lifting of the heart to God in honor and praise for His goodness. George Washington It is the duty of all Nations to acknowledge the providence of Almighty God, to obey his will, to be grateful for his benefits, and humbly to implore his protection and favor. Robert Quillen If you count all your assets, you always show a profit. Cicero A thankful heart is not only the greatest virtue, but the parent of all the other virtues.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Financial and Economic environment of South Africa Term Paper

Financial and Economic environment of South Africa - Term Paper Example They also have security and safety implications and have effects on the transfer payments. Most ideas, principles and legal concepts used in international transactions often find expression in the legislative acts and policies of nation states. Although many forces besides economic factors help shape world trade, it cannot be denied that the economic component of international relations is the most significant and that generally, a prosperous and stable international business environment. Aspects of returns and risks From the website, it evident that there are a number of aspects that affect the countries return and risk on investment to a business, some of this include; Ratio analysis used to obtain the company’s financial performance in many key areas. The ratios include the liquidity ratios that point out the easiness of turning assets into cash and they include current ratio which measures the financial power, the quick ratio which concentrates mainly on liquid assets whose value is sure, and working capital which is more of cash flow measure than a ratio. The leverage ratio shows the degree to which the business is dependent on debt financing. The gross margin ratio is the proportion of sales dollar left following the subtraction from the net sales the cost of goods sold. The net profit margin ratio which is the proportion of sales dollars left after subtracting the cost of goods sold and every expense excluding income taxes. Inventory turnover ratio which discloses how well the inventory is being controlled. Accounts receivable turnover ratio which shows how well collection of accounts receivable is being done, if receivables are slow in being transferred to cash liquidity could be damaged (fxTrade, 6). The return on assets ratio which indicates how well profits are being created from the assets employed. The return on investment ratio which is the proportion of return on owner’s funds invested in the business, it also indicates whether the effort put into the business in worthwhile. Information technology is used to process and analyze accounting transaction. The input devices regularly linked with the accounting information systems comprise the typical personal computers or running applications workstations, running applications, devices for scanning, standardized data entry scanning devices, electronic data interchange for electronic communication devices and e-commerce. The basic processing is realized through computer systems variety from individual personal computers to large scale enterprise servers; however the fundamental processing model is the double entry accounting system (Pomeranz & Topik 82). The output content may include any type of financial reports from tax reports to budgets. The use of also management information system which offers human/machine interactive that supports decision making for users both out and in the organization boundaries. This system support daily operated activities of the organization, future and current tactical decisions, and on the complete strategic direction. The financial applications make up the management information system which commonly implemented modules include, the payables, general ledger, receivables, procumbent, inventory, projects, assets and

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Handwashing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Handwashing - Essay Example The level of the target audience also influences the teaching plan. There are varied formats of teaching plans, below is a formal teaching plan regarding environmental issues. The time allowed should be indicated in the plan. This facilitates management of time and ensuring maximum utilization of the allocated and extra time. The time factor is important in formulating the entire teaching plan. In creation of a realistic timeline of the plan the following strategic points should be considered. The list of required materials should include materials that should aid the teacher in explaining the topic. Materials to be used may include illustration charts showing graphical explanations about environmental issues affecting the community. Short films can also be used to explain through visual and audio recordings of the topic. The plan should include various categories of objectives. Behavioral objectives are the things the community or the targeted audience should be able to do at the end of the lesson(s).knowledge objectives includes what the community or students have learnt about environmental issues. The tutor should formulate a test to gauge the amount of information acquire by his/her audience. The objectives are guided by the following questions; The instructional component of the plan includes sequence of events that builds the environmental issues lesson. This includes the tutor’s own instructions about the topic under discussion. Introduction of this section can be through questions to gauge the understanding of the community about issues affecting the environment. The plan ought to include independent practices for the community to extend their skills in the environmental field of study. The practices may vary according to the demographics of the community’s setup. They may include practical lessons on preventing environmental degradations amongst other issues. The summary of the plan

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Good for Hair Essay Example for Free

Good for Hair Essay Fenugreek(methi) seeds are extremely effective and powerful seeds which fights with hair fall, baldness and hair thinning. Fenugreek seeds replenish hair growth and are a good source of nicotinic acid and protein. Many scientists have confirmed that fenugreek contains a large amount of lecithin which is a natural emollient and give power to hair and make them healthy and strong. It also moisturizes hair. Below here are few fenugreek hair packs   which promotes hair growth ,make them lustrous ,healthy and shiny. 1. Soak a tea spoon of fenugreek seeds (methi daana) in a glass of   boiled water every night. Filter the water with the help of a sieve and drink it empty stomach every morning. Drinking this water every day helps in reducing hair loss. 2. You can make a herbal and organic hair growth tonic with fenugreek seeds. Boil fenugreek seeds and allow them to soak in pure coconut oil overnight. Filter the oil with the help of a sieve and massage this oil mixture to your scalp for 10-15 minutes. Applying this oil thrice in a week will   make your hair shiny and thick and will help in reducing hair fall too. 3. You can use the left over soaked fenugreek seeds as an alternative of shampoo. Make a paste of cooked black bean and fenugreek (methi) seeds. Apply it on your hair two or three times a week. This will reduce hair fall and will add volume to your hair. 4. You can make a hair mask to condition your hair with fenugreek seeds. For this take a half cup of dried fenugreek seeds in a bowl and add 2 cups of water in it. Soak them overnight and strain the water .You can drink this water as it helps in reducing hair fall. In the morning strain the water and put the seeds in a blender. Add little water as the seeds are already soaked and make a thick paste of it. Apply this paste on your hair and wrap your hair .This mask is little messy but is worth an effort. Leave it for 30 minutes and rinse it as usual. You donà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢t need a conditioner after washing your hair with it.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

The Decline Of Fatherhood :: essays research papers

The Decline of Fatherhood   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  David Popenoe's 'The Decline of Fatherhood'; discusses the rapid decay of our children due to the loss of male parenting. Popenoe's use of logos and ethos are efficient in the context of the paper to relate the behavior of present day children due to the growing absence of fatherly figures. The author, however, uses very little if any emotional appeal; but because of the nature and direction of the writing, the lack of pathos has no profound effect on the overall intent of David Popenoe's purpose. 'The Decline of Fatherhood'; by David Popenoe is a well written essay that convincingly persuades his view point through intelligent observation of facts. Logos is David Popenoe's most useful tool for argument in this essay. He uses several statistics to show the growing number of fatherless children from the turn of the century until the present, he and then successfully compares it to the alarming amount of growth in the delinquency and scarcity of education in children of the latest generation. The factual information provided with the explanatory details from the author makes his points obvious and clear to the reader. Because of the efficient use of the data and facts, the paper backs itself with rationale and logic which leads the audience to a greater understanding of the science behind the reasoning. For example, Popenoe wrote that only fifty percent of children born from 1970 until 1984 are now living with both parents. The results of this dramatic increase has tripled teen suicide, dropped SAT scores seventy Braithwaite 2 points, increased the drug alcohol rate at an incredibly quicker pace, and has placed thirty-eight percent of the nation's children in poverty. The cause and effect relationships demonstrated by the author are logically appealing and unmistakably apparent in his perspective and studies. The infallible devising of the facts linked with common sense easily portray the convincing ideas of Popenoe on to others as they indulge into his essay.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Yet another great example of appeal is established in the work of the author. The essay is not only well supplied with evidence and explanation, but it takes advantage of the superior credibility and reputation proceeding the writer. Before any words were even read on paper, Popenoe immediately sets an intellectual and believable tone being a professor in sociology. The fact that the writing was conceived by a well educated, knowledgeable man heightens the confidence of the reader to believe the information contributed.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Persepolis Anaylis of Kim Wilde

Amira Black 10-29-12 Period: 2nd Kim Wilde Analysis In Kim Wilde, it’s been a year after her Uncle Taher dies, Iran reopens its borders. The family gets their passports. Marjane wants the family to take a vacation together but her parents tell her that they need a vacation alone. They tell her that they are going to Turkey. They promised to bring her back Western things, like posters of Kim Wilde and Iron Maiden. Marjane’s father says that he really likes Iron Maiden and the marjane and her mother couldn’t believe it.In Turkey, the Satrapis go to a record store and buy the posters. They then must think of ways to get the posters back through traditions. None of the ideas seemed to work Marjane’s mother was being creative and she was stitching the posters into a big coat that Mr. Satrapi was wearing. He was feeling silly in the big coat, but when they get back to iran , they reassured the agent there that they have nothing unlawful and the agent lets them p ass. When they get back to the house, Marjane’s mother begins passing out the presents they had brought her.They give her a denim jacket, a Michael Jackson button, and a pair of Nike sneakers. They took the posters out of the coat and Marjane was very happy. She says, â€Å"I love Turkey. † She puts the posters in her room, wears the sneakers and the jacket, and plays air guitar just like Iron Maiden. She tells her mother that she is going out, just down the street, and thinks that her mother is more tolerant than most other mothers who would not let their daughters go out alone at such a young age.Marjane goes to the corner and buys tons of tapes from men selling Western goods at the black market. She was being sly about it until a group of women stops her. They are members of the women’s branch of the Guardians of the Revolution. They question her on her Western dress. They ask her why she is wearing punk sneakers, and Marji secretly thinks they know nothing o f what punk really is. They bully her for wearing a Michael Jackson button and she tries to tell them it is a Malcolm X button because marjane states: â€Å"Back then, Michael Jackson was still black. They pull her scarf over her head and terrorized her to take her to the committee, the â€Å"HQ of the Guardians of the Revolution. † Marjane lies and tells them that her mother is dead and that her stepmother is very cruel and will burn her with an iron or send her to an orphanage if she does not go home. The women believe her, they let her go. Back at home, she does not tell her mother what has happened and goes to her room and plays her new tapes loud. She sings: â€Å"We’re the kids of America†

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Analyse how the development of relationship between characters helped you to understand the characters in the written texts. Lord of the Flies Essay

Published in 1954, William Golding’s novel the ‘Lord of the Flies’ developed many relationships to shed light on the characters. Perhaps the most important of these would be between the two main characters Jack and Ralph, however relationships between other characters including Ralph and Piggy’s relationship and Jack and Rodgers relationship are equally as important and help provide evidence of the behaviours of the children. The relationship between the two main characters Ralph and Jack at the beginning of the novel is an indication for how different the boys truly are. When the boys crash and arrive onto the deserted island they attempt friendship despite their differing personalities, â€Å"Jack and Ralph smile at each other with shy liking† just as any school boy would do. After being elected as chief of the tribe, Ralph makes his first move of power in electing Jack as chief of the hunting group to ease his embarrassment of wanting to be over all chief but not receiving this role highlighting Ralphs caring side to his personality. The boy’s continue to work together as a team and acknowledge one another’s leadership differences but manage to work together still in creating the best island possibly for the tribe. As the tension between them builds arguments begin to break out as their priorities begin to drift â€Å"they look at one another, baffled by love and hate†. With Ralph being a democratic leader, he takes in the opinions of the other tribe members in order to create the best society possible. It becomes an obvious barrier between the two boys drawing them back from being able to create the perfect society as they simply cannot respect one another’s way of leading. Jacks desire towards hunting and disobeying Ralph’s rules situation is similar to the biblical reference of Jack likening to Satan and Ralph Likening to God. People choose to follow Satan because he persuades and tricks people into believing his way is the more enjoyable way as it is a lot easier to go with Satan’s way then to follow Gods way, just as the tribe begins to fall under Jacks excitement towards hunting and ignoring the need to get rescued with a fire this being Ralphs rule. However this is all expected as for a child the more exciting and enjoyable approach to life is the path an average child would choose to follow proving the actions of the tribe to be considerably normal for them to want to begin following Jacks way of life. At the end of the novel the relationship between the characters Jack and Ralph proves the boys personality differences and helps the reader understand them. Throughout the whole novel it was evident of their unspoken hate towards one another and this tension is finally broken when the remainder of the tribe turns on Ralph as their previous chief and choose to follow Jack and his way of life. â€Å"And you shut up! Who are you anyway? Sitting there telling people what to do. You can’t hunt you can’t sing.† Jacks idea of a perfect leader is someone who had the previous roles of leadership in other scenarios, such as Jacks role of being leader of a school boys’ choir, giving Jack the impression that he is indeed perfect for the position of tribe leader. Jacks displays of power and leadership is Golding’s representation of an autocratic government where the power was taken from the tribe and not voted upon whereas Ralphs leadership and power was voted on just like a democratic government where he takes to mind the opinions of the other children. Understanding this, the reader can then begin to understand how dramatically different the characters each are and Golding uses the idea of ‘good versus evil’ in the characters Ralph and Jack by showing them opposites in their positions on social responsibility, personality, and appearance. The only thing Ralph and Jacks have in common is their utter hatred towards each other. Jacks arrogant and self-centred mind set causes him to believe that once hunted and killed, the pigs he catches make him worthy of the role of leader. However, in a tribe today any person who can bring back meat to feed the rest of the tribe is generally the best leader of the group, but due to the boys situation, it is only a bonus that the boys can have meat and the real focus should be getting rescued, this being Ralphs focus. With the tension being released within the last few chapters, Ralph is hunted due to the tribe’s sudden hatred towards him and their complete savagery takes over despite Ralphs caring nature and civilised personality. Throughout the novel Piggy and Ralphs relationship has been an eye opener to expose the boy’s nature and helps the reader to understand each character independently. When Ralph is introduced to Piggy instantly the differences between the two is shown by the way they speak: â€Å"sucks to your ass-mar!† said Ralph as he mocked Piggy’s unusual accent; from Ralph’s mockery, the reader can see that the two upbringings were very dissimilar. Piggy is in a lower socio-economic class and the two boys being forced into co-habitation together highlights the contrast between the two defined classes of society. Being a typical child Ralph chooses to name Piggy as Piggy just by looking  at his physical appearance once again showing Ralphs back round of being from a more upper-class region in England highlighting his ‘bullying the poorer child’ mind set. Understanding this, it is not expected that the boys would have a good relationship due to Ralphs immaturity but as Ralph soon realises the capability of Piggy’s knowledge and how that would help his leadership skills they soon become friends amongst the chaos. Piggy’s knowledge represents the law and order of the adult world. Throughout the novel, Piggy attempts to condition the society the boys had made to mirror the society they all lived in in England. Piggy’s continual references to his auntie demonstrate this philosophy. He tries to pull Ralph towards the reason-oriented side of human nature. The overall characteristics of each of these two important characters proves that amongst the islands nightmare state it had spiralled into there was still a sense of hope for humanity amongst it due to the maturity of Piggy who then taught Ralph his ways making Ralph an overall stronger leader, but despite all this the rest of the tribe still fell short and turned on both Ralph and Piggy making them â€Å"outsiders†. Ralph’s character can be once again shown through his relationship with Simon where Simon’s characteristics help shape Ralph into the boy he becomes. Simon can be seen as pure goodness, and he is something of a Christ like figure. Simon is fearless as he is the only one who goes to confront ‘The Beast’. The pureness in Simon, like Jesus Christ, prevents him from submitting to the beast-like nature of mankind just as Christ did not succumb into the terrible ways of man at his time. Simon also is the only character who stays true to his personal morals and beliefs although Ralph did try to stay true to his beliefs he did fall into the temptations of the tribe by joining them in a tribal dance around a pig they had just caught. Simon gives Ralph encouragement. Whenever Ralph becomes despondent or loses hope that they will be found, Simon lifts his spirits: â€Å"I just think you’ll get back all right.† Golding portrays Simon, the first boy to be killed (followed by the death of Piggy) as a symbol of a Christ-figure, of grace and light. Ralph’s characteristics of goodness, on the other hand is in contrast to Jack’s evil. Ralph’s goodness is based on order, logic, rationality, and reason. But due to Ralphs beliefs it ends up turning on him as he believed everyone has good in them, but through the novel the reader is introduced to the idea that not all people have good in them, and this is  highlighted through the imagery of school children turning into a â€Å"pack of painted niggers†. Throughout the novel â€Å"The Lord of the Flies† William Golding uses the relationships to ultimately shed light on the characters. The relationship between Ralph and Jack lets the reader begin to understand the true vision of good versus evil which is portrayed throughout the entire novel by Jack being the evil character and Ralph as being the good. Ralphs relationship with Piggy and Simon accompanies Golding’s idea of the good characters as Piggy and Simon pay important roles in aiding Ralph to make him the character he is at the end of the novel.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Robotspast and future essays

Robotspast and future essays Past: It was approximately 3,000 years ago when the first signs of a robot appeared. The Iliad mentions a "mobile tripod" and in the myth Jason and the Argonauts a giant sentinel by the name of Talos is talked about. These weren't real life robots, so when did the first robot appear. From what people think robots are today really is a far cry from the actual first robots. The abacus or bead-adding machine was the first computer and was used as far back as 1000 B.C.. Then there were Automatons which were scale models of creatures that moved. One of which used water to move it, it was called "Hercules Killing the Dragon. It was made about 300 B.C. by Hero. William Oughtred in 1621 invented the rectilinear and circular slide rules which were used up to when the pocket calculator was invented. Throughout the 19th century a lot of inventors started to pop up with robotic inventions. In 1801 Joseph Jacquard made an automated loom which was the first numerically controlled machine. During the 1880's railroads used automated signals that used electricity. And then in 1898 Nikola Tesla invented the Radio- controlled boat. Before the 1900's though nobody had ever used the word robot until it was dubbed by Fritz Lang in 1926 in the movie Metropolis. In 1940 Issac Asimov first used the robotics. The first programmable machine was built in 1938 by Pollard and Roseland and was used for painting. In the late 30's and early 40's the first electronic computers were produced by John Atanasoff. Then with Howard Aiken's electromagnetic calculator. These computers weren't mass produced until 1951 when Mauchy and Ecker's UNIVAC I was produced as a commercial computer. In 1956 George Devol designed what would become the first programmable computer and acquired a U.S. patent for it in'61. The father of robotics, who accompanied Devol was Joseph Engelerger, they ...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

The Bright Sides of Academic Intellectuals We Call Nerds

The Bright Sides of Academic Intellectuals We Call Nerds The Bright Sides of Academic Intellectuals We Call Nerds The first thing that would pop-up in your head when somebody says â€Å"Nerd† is an image of a skinny, clumsy, old-fashioned  individual  wearing thick eyeglasses with no appeal. Well, this is actually the  other  side of the â€Å"Nerd† or â€Å"Geek† or â€Å"Bore† or whatever you call them but a Nerd is definitely not a â€Å"Dork† and smarter than a â€Å"cool† kid in school. Nerds are boring and that is because they are not normally interested in stuff most ordinary people do or like such as sports with too much physical exertion, fashionable clothing, parties, and so on. Nerds are more interested in scholarly endeavors like reading books, exploring the nature of things, solving math problems, play some nerdy sports or even more #NerdierSports, and other activities ordinary people don’t normally do. They are commonly unpopular in school but they are smart and do extremely well in academic subjects. In fact, nerds are popular for their strong academic orientation and achievements. A good example is Albert Einstein, an academic-oriented person with a nerdy face, hair, and achievements made him the most successful nerd in the world. Nerds Play Games and Sports It is common for nerds to play computer games such as World of Warcraft, Starcraft, and others but they do love and play sports designed for smart and socially independent people like golf, tennis, billiards, chess, and other more #NerdierSports. Tiger  Woods  is one of the highest paid athlete and the most successful â€Å"nerd† golfer in the world.   Some nerds even enjoy some real competitive games such as softball, basketball, and Ice Hockey. Successful and famous nerds are not only big sports fans but also owners of sports teams like technology billionaire Mark Cuban of Dallas Mavericks. Former Bill Gates business partner and fellow nerd Paul Allen is the owner of the Portland Trailblazers and two other sports teams.Woods is one of the highest paid athlete and the most  successful â€Å"nerd† golfer in the world. Some nerds even enjoy some real competitive games such as softball, basketball, and Ice Hockey. Want to know more? Go here: Perspiration Is Nothing without Inspiration Relieving Students School-Related Stress Developing Students Creativity Is Sports Competition Relevant to Academic Learning? Junk Food in School Nerds Are Successful in Later Life Nerds are generally socially hopeless people, but this does not make them clowns to play with. They are logical, inspired, and determined individuals who work harder and harder and therefore normally succeed later life. Since nerds’ social  life is limited, their tendency to focus more on their work provides them more opportunity to get a much better job. In fact, the richest people in the world are nerds and two of them were founders of Google. Nerds are often successful because they possess the qualities required to achieve their goals. For instance, nerds are academically proficient, hard workers, highly motivated; they do not waste time on parties, and likely to work in corporations built by more senior and highly successful nerds like Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, Larry Ellison, Jack Dorsey, and others. These famous and successful nerds are mostly academic intellectuals who in later life used their genius in building a technology-based enterprise. Some nerds are also quite successful in other fields such as Ben Stein, a millionaire, lawyer, actor, and a successful writer who writes articles and speeches for famous people.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Paul Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Paul - Essay Example He did not rely on any of the disciples or earlier converts to guide him in his ministry but he relied exclusively on the Jesus to guide him in his ministry. Apostle Paul is born in the city of Tarsus of Cilicia to an Israelite family belonging to the tribe of Judah. On the eighth day, he is circumcised in compliance with the Jewish laws of Moses (Philippians 3:5, Genesis 17:12, Leviticus 12). He became a Roman citizen owing to his birth location. Paul goes to Jerusalem in order to learn the way of the Pharisees in a Pharisaic Rabbinical school the school was under the leadership of Rabbi Gamaliel and he personally took the initiative to teach Paul. This is evident in Acts 5:34, 22:3. The Pharisees were well known for their rigid following of the laws of Moses which explains why Paul was very radical in his actions of persecuting those who had converted to Christianity. The martyrdom of Stephen takes place in which he is stoned to death due to his staunch faith in Jesus Christ. Stephen was among the seven deacons who were appointed by the disciples to assist in the distribution of food. Saul who later changed his name to Paul consented to have witnessed the death of Stephen. The conversion of Saul takes place which occurs when Saul was on his way to Damascus after receiving permission from the High Priest to go there and search for Christian believers in order to punish them. He then heard a voice of Jesus Christ asking him why he was persecuting his people. He became blinded after which he was led to Damascus to Ananias whom the Lord had directed to pray for him to be healed. He was later baptized and converted to Christianity. Acts 9. Paul makes his first visit to Jerusalem after his conversion. He began to preach there which angers some of the Jews to an extent that they plot to take away his life. He was later sent by the church to

Friday, November 1, 2019

Globalization Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 12

Globalization - Essay Example Speaking about driving forces of globalization, it is essential to mention that, first of all, the globalization is caused by the objective factors of the global development, by the intensification of the international division of labor, scientific and technological progress in the area of transport and communication that reduces the so-called economic distance between countries. Allowing to receive the necessary information from any place on the Earth in real time, modern communication systems facilitate the organization of international capital investment, production and marketing cooperation. In the conditions of the informational integration of the world the transfer of technologies and adoption of foreign experience is greatly accelerated. The preconditions for the globalization of the processes, which are local by nature, for example, receiving higher education distantly, are being formed. The second essential source of globalization is the liberalization of trade and other forms of economic liberalization, which caused the limitation of protectionism politics and made the global trade more independent. As a result the tariffs were lowered, many other barriers set for goods and service trade are removed. Other measures led to the intensification of the movement of capital and other factors of production. The results of the process of globalization can be seen in the fact that the barriers for economic, cultural and even political activity become more transparent. Internet, student exchange, the protection of human rights contribute to the creation of really global society, which consists of networks. The globalization is expressed by the rapid growth of migration and capital, unification of laws, division of labor, the standardization of technology and the union of the cultures in the global scale. It is possible to state that it provides the stimulus for the formation of new international